How to win facebook poker chips and play like a pro in texas holdem
Being a successful facebook poker player means having to master the art of deception and trickery through poker face moves and the ability to lay down the right had and the best possible time in order to win the most facebook poker chips. Many facebook poker players and Texas Holdem experts agree that your ability to vary play style and confuse other gamers play a huge factor in becoming an all stakes excellent poker player. If you stick to one hand and play it the same way each draw, you can easily be identified as a robot and won’t get any loving from your fellow players. Playing a straight hand will subject you to constant sucker-wins and you will still have to deal with all the player mockery at how predictable you are and easily beaten. It may get so awkward that your playmates will start throwing it Momma fat jokes just to point out how horrible you are at facebook or myspace poker!

If you want to be a hustler at facebook texas holdem poker then slow play your strong hands. Slow play builds bigger pots in the long run but can also end up costing you more because more experienced players will easily know when you have a weak hand. The trick to slow playing success is to maintain a poker face and put up a deceptive stance when you are holding a bad hand to avoid being cornered into a losing spot.
There are players who prefer to slow play every hand, and have perfected the art of not giving any clues about holes in their card- most of the time being very difficult to put them on a hand. The strategy of a calling station takes practice but is not particularly a winning choice when you are playing facebook Texas Holdem Poker, boyaa poker, zynga poker, or pokerstar poker.
You can be successful by integrating other plays into your betting style to increase your stack of facebook chips. You can try to switch to check rising from betting if you are good at keeping tabs on hole cards and do not provide any clues as to the weak hands that you have. When it comes to facebook Texas Holdem Poker, there is no unique play book that will make you a sure winner. You can be one of the best players by playing smart and creating a consistent pot instead of banking on big wins- which could also end up being major losses, sending you back to buy facebook poker chips.
In Texas Holdem Poker, bluffing and the art of understanding when to fold is critical. People who change their play constantly end up weak because a certain level of predictability is important in Holdem poker. It helps when you do nothing to provide clues about your hand, this way your opponents won’t know if you are betting huge or conducting a complete bluff.