Mistakes That Will Cost You Your Facebook Chips

Mistake #1 Being Overeager
New players in facebook poker generally get antsy at the thought of sitting down in a poker table and getting the chance to “take it” to the heavy hitters. For a lot of beginners in facebook poker, this means exploiting a bad hand on a flop – normally overplaying an offsuit like Jack of Spade and Four of Diamonds. This is potentially one of the biggest mistakes you can make in a competitive game of facebook poker. To become successful at the game, you need to understand the critical value that a starting hand plays in getting you the pot of facebook poker chips.

Mistake #2: Going above your pay grade
This happens far too often for people who become too competitive and drown in the notion of trying to break even right before they lose theirfacebook chips from one too many attempts. Even the most seasoned players can lose their nerve from time to time and greed can become a contributing factor to a losing night in facebook poker. When there is too much at stake its probably best to bow down and leave it to the big boys. Learn how to be a pro before taking on the bullies, thinking that Facebook Poker is game of pure chance just means that you have a lot more to go before joining the pros.

Mistake #3: Becoming too emotional at the table
Shit happens. You end up folding your hand when you could have won the pot of myspace poker chips in the end. You will meet people who are rude and will make fun of your lack of experience and bad hands. You need to rise above this and not let your emotions get the best of your poker play. Nothing is worse than a whiny sore loser on a smoking poker game. This will land you in the poor house where you’ll need to buy facebook poker chipsto get back in the game.

Mistake #4: Not using pot odds
People make the mistake of treating pot odds as if they are one step closer to getting leprosy if they pick them up. A smart facebook poker player knows when to expand his had and how to use pot odds to improve his playing odds. Most beginners fail to understand the importance of pot odds and end up calling every chance they get. They’re not too hard to find, they’re the ones begging other players for some facebook poker chips.